Both series chose to reflect drug use to the viewers through different lighting and music choices. This section of the article will compare the lighting, shots and music, especially in the scenes of drug use.
In Euphoria, the use of purple light and the actions of the characters in the series are associated with an aesthetic. For example, in the first episode, in the scene where Jules and Jules use drugs together, the purple light, which has become iconic with Euphoria, creates a romantic and aesthetic atmosphere as they both look at each other with their faces covered in glitter. The artistic quality of the shots helps the series to move forward while at the same time revealing its iconicity, but for the same reason it also leads to the romanticization of the concepts in the series. The fact that this series, which deals with sex work, sexual abuse and drug use, tries to look aesthetically pleasing also plays a role in its encouragement. In Feel Good, in contrast, the lighting is done without any aesthetic purpose, in most of the scenes (especially the ones where serious problems are mentioned) the lighting is so bright that it resembles a hospital room. By using such flat and realistic lighting, a more serious atmosphere could be created. For example, in episode 6 of Feel Good, the scene where Mae takes drugs makes the audience hold their breath. The shooting techniques, lighting and music combine to create a very realistic and tragic scene. The bright lighting creates an uncomfortable and quiet scene, while the angle of the shot shows Mae up close, putting the audience in the character's shoes.
Similarly, in both shows, the desire to use drugs is shown through the choice of music, in Euphoria it is shown through the song "Formula", while in Feel Good a high-pitched and disturbing voice is used for the same purpose.